Friday, February 24, 2012

What is the average percentage of credit card sales of restaurants?

In restaurants like Max's, Aristocrat or Pancake House, what percentage of their sales are paid through credit cards?What is the average percentage of credit card sales of restaurants?
Figures disclosed by the Credit Card Association of the Philippines (CCAP) pegs the local penetration rate at somewhere around 4.5 % to 5.0%.

The figure undoubtedly was arrived at based on the total cardholder base of each CCAP member. But wait! What happens if there are people who hold multiple credit cards from different card issuer.

Practically everybody I know who owns a credit card would have at least 2 in his or her wallet. So if you take out the duplicates, I think the actual credit card penetration rate would be closer to 3% (or even less).

and not all credit card owners are using their credit cards all the time;

so, i think the percentage of sales are paid through credit cards for restaurants like Max's, Aristocrat or Pancake House...

are below 2% ...

.What is the average percentage of credit card sales of restaurants?

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